Ritesh Janga


mouse corsair

BTech student in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science at Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam

Proactive mindset and eagerness to learn new technologies and methodologies

Excitement for solving new challenges

Motivated to apply analytical skills for valuable insights from data

Actively seeking opportunities to contribute to data science advancements through innovation

Aim is to make a positive impact on real-world challenges using AI and data-driven solutions.


"Human presence Detector: As a key part of an intern team working on an important task, I was helpful in the development of a Basic person counting system for the company's cafeteria. Using Python, I created a dynamic dashboard that not only precisely counted the number of people there but also smoothly recorded critical data such as datetime stamps, people counts, and accompanying photographs in a complete database.This project demonstrated my software development skills and ability to work as part of a team, resulting in the effective deployment of an efficient and reliable human presence monitoring system."

Tech used: Python, Streamlit, Pandas, Numpy, matplotlib, psycopg2, openpyxl, OpenCv, Git

"Skin lesion classification: The project aims to develop a robust skin lesion classification system, utilizing a combined approach of semantic segmentation and image classification. Our proposed ensemble strategy integrates the U-Net architecture for precise lesion segmentation and the VGG network for disease classification. The U-Net model performs pixel-level segmentation to delineate lesion boundaries, and the segmented regions are then processed by DenseNet169, VGG16, and ResNet50 for an enhanced disease classification. This ensures predictions based on both localized features and overall lesion characteristics."

Tech used: Python, Numpy, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, Git

"Steel price prediction: Analyzed the dailyoffers dataset that contains information about steel items offered to customers. The dataset contains 14 columns with 181673 rows of data. Each row represents an item, and has an offered/selling price of that item."

Tech used: Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Git

"IPL Prediction: Performed comprehensive data analysis on IPL match data, utilizing various statistical techniques and data visualization tools to uncover meaningful patterns, trends, and insights. "

Tech used: Python, Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Git, Plotly

Quora text classification: Developed a robust project centered on text classification using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, including implementing the bag of words model, to transform raw text data into a structured format suitable for machine learning.

Tech used: Scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, nltk, Git

City restaurant scraper: Undertook an educational project, utilized web scraping techniques to extract data from restaurant websites, aggregating details such as names, ratings, prices, and website URLs.

Tech used: Python,Pandas,Selenium,Beautiful Soup

"Diabetes Predictor: Utilized a diverse dataset comprising crucial health metrics, including age, BMI, glucose levels, blood pressure, and more, to train and validate the model."

Tech used: Python,sqlite3,streamlit,pandas, matplotlib,Plotly

"My Expense Manager: Created an interactive dashboard that presented users with a comprehensive overview of their expenses, including total expenses visualized through a visually appealing pie chart."

Tech used: Python,sqlite3,streamlit,pandas, matplotlib,Plotly

"Power consumption analysis: In an important role aimed at monitoring and projecting energy usage inside the organization, I ran a thorough test applying my core knowledge. Through careful study, I effectively researched and projected power usage trends, providing crucial insights targeted at improving overall operating efficiency. My attention to this assignment demonstrated not just my analytical abilities, but also my commitment to promoting sustainable and resource-conscious practices inside the organization"

Tech used: Streamlit, pandas, Scikit-learn, Plotly


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